Here are some additional informations you should know about releases on
compatibility of releases
The releases of Pigalle and YaBook always contain a working copy of the Sourdough framework. You don't need to worry about it.
If an application release is not affected by a newer version of Sourdough and if there were no changes in the application, it might contain a previous version of Sourdough. It is always compatible with the most recent one found in the "releases" section.
There is no guarantee that any official release work with any snapshot release! If you use a snapshot of any application, you should always use a snapshot of the Sourdough framework at the same time.
CVS tags
On each release we tag the version using the following convention:
- release: module-x.y-kn CVS tag: module_x_y_kn
For all versions below 1.0 we usually omit the 'kn' part.
CVS stripped
Releases do NOT contain any CVS directories. They all have been stripped. This is mainly due to people who don't want to use any CVS updates and don't want to clutter their server with this unused metadata.
If you wish to use CVS, either download a current snapshot release and then perform a cvs -z3 -q update -dP or check it out from CVS directly. Please check the Development page for further details.