Version naming
YaBook uses the following version naming scheme: x.y-kn
x.y - Version number. We start with 0.1, and we will increment this number until 1.0. These numbers aren't decimals, that is, after 0.9 it follows 0.10, 0.11 ...
k - This string indicates the version state:
alpha: The version is alpha. The code can be rewritten in future versions, and may not be compatible.
beta: The version is beta. Bugs are fixed and there are new functions. We'll make an effort in making these versions compatible.
RC: This is a 'release candidate'. Only bugs are fixed. All RC versions will be compatible. After this versions set, we will release the final version.
n - Indicates the minor version number (alpha1, beta1, RC3...).
Development Roadmap
There is no real development roadmap available yet as YaBook has just been released. The current developmental release of YaBook is already pretty mature and does include most of the planned features. For future releases there are going to be milestones set as short timelines, with a few key features. We will be doing plenty of bug fixing and other work during the development towards a milestone, but "meeting a milestone" requires the specified features to have been implemented.
YaBook 0.95-alpha (Mon, 10 Mai 2004): first public release
Planned Features
The following list of features should give you an idea of what is planned to get done in the near future. There are still a lot of features that are planned to get included prior to our first stable release 1.0. Please do NOT submit any feature requests for those features that are already listed here.
prior to 1.0:
- validate sign-form
- spambot protection
- cut too long words, avoid braking the design
- duplicates protection
- badword filter
- front-end for Livre D'Or import script
- extended language support, language localization
future releases:
- RSS feed of guestbook entries
- import scripts for other guestbook scripts
- ...